Set a background image of Windows XP folders
To change the background image of folder XP, you can create The Desktop.ini file the folder of which you want to change
the background. Follow the following steps:
* Right click on folder, select customize. Change Icon. You do this only to trigger the creation of a desktop.ini.
* You don't have to make the desktop.ini hidden, system, or Read Only. It just has to be there in the proper format/syntax.
* Open the desktop.ini and edit the image path and text color. I have a centralized location of all my images (C:\My documents\My picture) Here:
{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}]
IconArea_Image=C:\My Folder Background.jpg
* Edit the last line of code (IconArea_Image=C:\My documents\My picture\abc.jpg) to the path of your picture, save the file and close it. Refresh your folder and it should have the new background.